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      新石器留学移民今天收到一个内部的几乎可以确认的消息,对于澳大利亚IT毕业生从下周一开始马上要面临二选一的抉择 :澳洲IT毕业生需要通过拿到1年的工作经验或者就读PY来换取ACS发出的可以用于递交PR的职业评估。
      这与ACS的经理Berny Martinez上周和新石器留学移民公司总经理沟通的内容是一致的,即澳大利亚IT毕业生不是必须1年的工作经验才能申请PR。但是Berny没有提到的是以PY来换取1年工作经验的要求。依照ACS给新石器留学移民公司总经理的回复,我们可以推断凡是通过1年的工作经验申请的职业评估类别是Graduate Skills Assessment, 报读PY之后申请的职业评估类别很可能会是Permanent Skills Assessment。官方的通知会在本周五之前公布,因为下周一10月28日即将开始实施!
      The Australian Computer Society's Professional Assessment Manager, Berny Martinez, confirmed today that a 1 year work experience employment option after an Australian Bachelor IT degree is being considered as a requirement for international students to obtain the skill assessment for permanent residency.
It is also confirmed that the ACS is now moving to use a 2 stage assessment process, one being for the Temporary Graduate - 485 skills assessment and the next being a Graduate Assessment - for permanent residency. This will effectively dash the hopes of thousands if international students study IT in Australia.
In an email to IMMIGRATION NEWS, Mr. Martinez stated "Currently, our Graduate result letters do not specify it is a Temporary Graduate - 485 skills assessment. This is a straight forward change to ensure applicants are submitting the correct skills assessment to DIBP."
"The change will involve a name change of the application type and a statement in the ACS result letter outlining it is a Temporary Graduate - 485 skills assessment. The criteria will remain the same."
The skill assessments now issued by the ACS are not for the sole purpose of the Graduate 485 visa and have never been for the sole purpose of the Graduate 485 visa. They are simply skill assessments for migration purposes, pure and simple. It is an assessment letter which has been used for years for many visa purposes both permanent and temporary applications.
To try and now say it is really for the Graduate visa only is just gobbledygook.
Since the current skill assessment for international students is really on for the 485 visa purpose, the ACS is justifying their new Graduate Skills Assessment. As Mr. Martinez explains;
"The Graduate Skills Assessment is a different matter. We are looking at the best way to help applicants meet their permanent residency skills assessment requirements as post graduates.
We understand the real world challenges graduates face in finding employment in their first year after graduation and how this will affect their chances of meeting permanent skills assessment requirements.
We hope to release the final criteria for the Graduate Skills Assessment by the end of this week. We are considering a 1 year employment option after the completion of an Australian Bachelor degree and an alternative option of the completion of an ACS Professional Year Program after the completion of an Australian Bachelor degree.
These 2 options will give applicants 2 avenues to help them meet the permanent skills assessment requirements."

      新石器留学移民公司是澳大利亚移民局注册的留学移民持牌公司,不仅有澳大利亚移民局指定的海外学生电签资格,还有资深的移民顾问为您的移民签证保驾护航。我公司致力于打造全澳最具特色的留学移民一站式服务 – 境外留学部为你量身制订留学移民规划、申请学校和办理签证,并提供多样化的入境后续服务及移民服务;境内留学部为全澳留学生解决升学转学、境内延签、校内上诉和违反签证条例解释等各类澳洲留学生管家式服务。无论您身处澳洲境内或境外,我们不仅有多位经验丰富的持牌移民专家擅长于解决技术移民,雇主担保,配偶移民,父母移民等各种疑难杂症,倾听您的诉求为您量身打造专属移民规划,更有实力雄厚的移民团队为您全程保驾护航!
      新石器留学移民官网:www.thenewstone.com 客服一周7天节假日无休在线静候您的咨询!
      中国境内咨询请拨打:95040303227 (免长途费热线直通澳大利亚总部)或 4009988766(咨询热线)
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